David Megginson wrote:
 > It looks like we're almost there with the surface positions.  JSBSim
 > and YASim are using the following properties, apparently in the same
 > way:

Heh, dumb luck, I assure you. :)

 > The only inconsistency left is gear position:
 >   JSBSim: /gear/gear[n]/position
 >   YASim:  /gear/gear[n]/position-norm
 > They both agree on using 1.0 for down and 0.0 for up, though, and
 > that's good news.  As soon as this last problem is fixed, I'll switch
 > the animations over and we'll have smooth flap and gear movement.

The gear extension is a normalized unit, so I thought -norm would have
been required.  If you want to go without, feel free to change the
<control-output> tag in the aircraft files to whatever is the standard
property name.

 > In fact, if the FDM people want to get really clever, they can have
 > the gear retract and extend slightly out of sync so that they lock
 > up or down about .5 sec apart.

So long as the retraction starts at the same time, you can do this.
Find the <control-speed ... time="7"> tags for each gear and change
the time values so that they're slightly different.  Because they're
driven by the same input property, there's no support for starting the
gear transitions at different times, though.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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