I wrote a little routine that allows flightgear
to read in the csv data from a previous flight
(or from a standalone JSBSim flight) and replay
it as a flight.  I can use the joystick to adjust
the speed and I can play it forward or reverse.  
Would that be useful to anyone else?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon S Berndt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 9:30 AM
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] idea ... (?)
> On Fri, 8 Mar 2002 10:00:54 -0600 (CST)
>   "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I know for the general case an external graphing tool 
> >would be most useful (and I think Jon B. has stuff to do 
> this already.)
> Yes, it's a very useful command line tool that plots files 
> of CSV format (comma delimited value format) data, where 
> the first line contains descriptions of the data. It can 
> plot interactively or it can plot a standard set of graphs 
> (producing .png image files) that are linked to via 
> descriptive links from a main html web page. It is very 
> slick. Unfortunately it uses a closed source library - the 
> library is freely available for most platforms, but some 
> people here don't like anything that is not completely 
> open source. So, a nice alternative (in my mind) would be 
> for someone to write a post-processor for the CSV files to 
> plot (either interactively or via .XML input directive 
> file, as I have now for "simplot") the data using pgplot, 
> or some other open source plotting program.
> In the near term, one of the quickie projects I want to do 
> is to write a small routine that will produce color 
> postscript reports as directed by a directives file. I've 
> written several post-processing tools over the years 
> (including one that used SGI GL to render 3D views of the 
> Space Shuttle Orbiter separating from the External Tank in 
> an abort study for NASA). Fun stuff. Anyhow, postscript is 
> nice and simple, and GhostScript has some nice utilities 
> for viewing them. Might be able to also convert them 
> quickly to PDF format with pstopdf. There are lots of 
> possibilities, but for me the important thing is to keep 
> it simple, automated, and quick. 
> Another nice thing to have would be a stripchart data 
> display that could be run on a remote machine. If I only 
> had a few more hours a week ...
> >But, I was just thinking today that it might be cool to 
> >have a built in grapher for simple / quick graphing needs.
> >
> >With the property system it would be trivial to pick an 
> >arbitrary property from the property tree and graph it over time -- 
> >superimposed on top of everything else.
> I wonder if a remote (or even local) stripchart display 
> program would be better?
> >Things get a bit trickier if you want to control scaling, 
> >how much time history get's graphed, multiple values, etc., but 
> >even graphing a single value (or maybe just two values) over 
> time could 
> >be of some use.
> You might want to do this via autoscaling, but with 
> initial values suggested in a directives file.
> Jon
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