So David Findlay says:
> I think this is a major flaw in developers of aircraft for MSFS and
> Fly! If you're going to make an aircraft, that means make an
> aircraft, with a model, panel, sounds and everything.

If you're saying what I think you're saying ("don't bother creating an
aircraft unless you're going to create the whole package") I have to say
I don't agree.

Someone could be an aircraft nut who just wants to recreate a cool
paintjob he saw on an aircraft once. Someone else might be a pilot who
doesn't like the available panels for an aircraft and decides to make
one himself. Someone else might be an aeronautical engineer who decides
to improve the flight model for an aircraft. I think it would be an
enormous waste if all these people were forced to also provide all the
other parts of the package, because in that case they probably wouldn't
bother at all.

Then there's the element of re-use. The airframe, panel, FDM and sounds
for a given aircraft probably don't change much from one individual
aircraft to the other, so why create those if you just want to paint an
aircraft. You'd be better of re-using what's already there. Provided you
give credit where it's due, of course.

I think this is one area where MSFS got it right: decouple all the
individual "pieces of the puzzle", so people can concentrate on their
area of expertise, and allow the end-user to pick and choose their
favourite elements.

My 2 cents.

Groeten,                                - Jacco

Think about it:               | In Real Life: Jacco van Schaik
If the wheel had never been   | Mail me at:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
reinvented, we'd still be     | Spam bait:    postmaster@localhost
driving on logs...            | See also

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