Norman Vine wrote:
 > Andy Ross wrote:
 > > The location of the scenery origin is another.
 > I thought I that this would have been self evident apon reading the
 > code sections I pointed out yesterday.
 > But just to be clear

Norman, stop it.  The world may be full of idiots, but I am not one of

I'm fully aware of the problem with using floats for global
coordinates.  Which begs the question (posed above, and still
unanswered): what *is* the location of the scenery origin when the
tile is drawn?  Where does it come from?  What must it be set to?
Since it cannot be the center of the earth, it must be somewhere else;

 > The code that does this can be just thought of as a 'black box' as it
 > is all handled for you transparently and is made available as
 > scenery.get_center()

Why do we consistently go in circles on this?  It (where "it" means
everything rendered under the modelview matrix, including the scenery
tiles) is certainly not a black box, since it requires modifications.
To do those modifications, I need to figure out how it works.  To
figure it out, I ask questions.  To answer my questions, you tell me
that I don't need to know how it works?

Regardless, I think I've got this one now.  Thanks for your (not
terribly polite, but helpful nonetheless) assistance.  The scenery
center is set out of the main loop, and looks to me like it can be
easily replaced with the eyepoint with no loss of function.  This has
two nice side effects: the view matrix generation is no longer
dependant on data stored in scenery tiles, and the code to calculate
the scenery center for each tile can simply go away.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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