Jim Wilson wrote:
 > Ok, so are you saying that the lon/lat/alt values that the fdm outputs
 > are at the origin already adjusted for cg?  If so then how would that
 > affect the axis of say pitch rotation on the c172 model?  It's origin
 > is at the firewall and the pitch rotation is always on the access that
 > intersects there.  Should we be doing something different?

OK, now I'm confused. :)

To the first part: yes.  If you take an aircraft with zero velocity
and spin it, the output lat/lon/alt values from the FDM will be moving
in a circle around the center of gravity, even though the c.g. is
stationary.  All of this math is done for you by the FDM.

The second answer, if I understand the question, is "it doesn't
matter".  Orientations and positions have nothing to do with each
other.  The lat/lon/alt values tell you where the firewall point of
the aircraft is, but they don't say anything about where the aircraft
is pointing.  The hdg/pitch/roll numbers tell you how the aircraft is
oriented, but not where the firewall is.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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