> It is gradual.  In fact, if you think about it, it has to be.  A
> propeller that presented the same AoA at every point along the blade
> would have to change its degree of twist as the advance ratio changed.

I was just wondering whether the twist happened to correspond to the
AOA-plus-advance so that large fractions of the blade would stall
all in one go ... which would certainly be disconcerting to a governor.

> I didn't mean to imply that YASim is actually modelling the airflow
> around the propeller; it doesn't.  What it does do is try to mimick an
> "idealized" propeller torque and efficiency curves (functions of the
> advance ratio).  These have a "kink" at some point -- they don't
> continue to increase as the advance ratio drops to zero, because the
> blades reach an AoA of maximum lift.

Is the kink blunt, like the one for a main wing with twist in it,
or is the kink sharp enough to be really conspicuous ?

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