Flight Gear was originally written in C. I was one of those who urged
adoption of C++ to take advantage of the features that the language
offered, including the STL (standard template library.) Since then the
various contributors seem very pleased with the change. While it is always
possible to write very good code in C, C++ has encouraged better coding and
attracted some considerable talent to the group to boot.

I hope that you are encouraged to study C++ coding. There are many
benefits, not the least of which seems to be a tendency to write cleaner,
more reliable code. Despite the fact that bad code can be found anywhere in
this project, there are a lot of very good examples as well.


Charlie H.

Arnt Karlsen wrote:

> On Thu, 25 Apr 2002 23:11:25 -0500,
> Michael Selig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> ..why _is_ FG written in C++ and not C?
> ...

> ..oh yeah, I the newbie do see the merits of inertia.  ;-)

Actually, this group has surprised me in its willingness to consider
alternate schools of thought - more so than any other group I've ever
worked with. The rule seems to be, that if you come up with a better
approach that it is highly likely to be adopted. Beware, however. The
combined experience base is tremendous and they've likely seen just about
any downside there is to any good idea. This group can be a real education.


Charlie H.

"There are two major products that come out
of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe
this to be a coincidence."
                          -     J. Anderson

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