* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tony Peden) [2002.05.19 15:36]:
> OK, ha, ha, funny, funny.  Joke's over.

Man, I've been trying to figure out what the heck you guys are talking
about.  Anybody else that doesn't have mpg123 installed?  :-)

Anyway, it's not even funny.  I thought it was going to be a Stars Wars
song or something, but it turned out to be a complete waste of
bandwidth.  :-/

> Curt, David: I humbly request that such patches not be accepted in the
> future.

I'll second that.  "Easter eggs" should be local, not network related.
The egg that's in CVS right now is rotten.

> I really think that grabbing files off the network without explicit 
> permission from the user is a bad idea, even when it's all in good fun. 
> FlightGear is not, by nature, a network client or server by nature and
> it's reasonable to expect, IMHO, that it won't initiate network activity
> without the users explicit instructions to do so.


> We also have users on 56k modems and, I believe, users who pay for
> access by the minute and they should not be forced into a download
> they don't want.  

We've had several people on the -users list that think we have a trojan
or we've been hacked.  Not funny.
Cameron Moore
/  Every so often, I like to stick my head out the  \
\ window, look up, and smile for a satellite photo. /

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