I run RH 7.3, plib cvs, simgear cvs, fgfs cvs and base cvs, and use NVidia 
drivers and don't experience any of these problems.  I suspect that your 
solutions are not entirely necessary, maybe when you upgraded you might have 
forgot that the XFree devel rpm probably sticks in a new libGL which was 
previously renamed by installing the NV rpms. 

The documentation says that it's only necessary to install the NV GL includes 
if you want to use to quote '  NVIDIA OpenGL extensions'.  I'm not sure that 
flight gear uses them.



On Monday 20 May 2002 1:51 am, Flavio Villanustre wrote:
> On Sun, 19 May 2002, Flavio Villanustre wrote:
> > Norman, tried both with no success. Now I'm looking at a libGL.a that
> > XFree86-devel rpm from RedHat 7.3 has dropped into /usr/X11R6/lib.
> >
> > As soon as I have a clue I'll let you know to warn other people migrating
> > to RedHat 7.3.
> I've finally got flightgear working on RedHat 7.3 with NVidia drivers. The
> only drawback I found is that either enabling game-mode or setting
> geometry leads to veeeery low framerates (probably due to software
> rendering?). Other than that, flightgear runs smoothly on a window with
> above than 50 fps on a Geforce2.
> It looks like flightgear got linked against a /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.a
> presumable from Mesa (it comes from instead of
> /usr/lib/ from NVidia.
> So for everybody upgrading to RedHat 7.3, just make a symbolic link for
> into /usr/X11R6/lib/ dir after installing your NVIDIA_GLX rpm.
> Just in case copy your NVidia GL headers into /usr/include/GL.
> To put it in a nutshell:
> rpm -U NVIDIA_GLX.*
> ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib/
> cp /usr/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX/include/GL/* /usr/include/GL/
> After that, just compile plib, Simgear and flighgear as usual.
> Hope this helps others as well.
> Regards,
> Flavio Villanustre
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