* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Basler) [2002.06.01 10:44]:
> Dear developers,
> I received the June issue of FlightXPress, a German language (actually THE
> <snip/>
> This issue has a one page review on Flightgear written by a Marc Stoering
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) who seems to belong to the editors (not sure about
> that). The test was done under Suse Linux 8.0 (which btw., gets good marks.)

What version of FG did he review?

> Unfortunately the review on FG as such is negative. This are the main
> points:
> - Old-fashioned overall appearance (4 screenshots delivered, including KSFO
> + C172 panel), not to be compared with state-of-the art simulators
> - Very few functions compared to other simulators
> - Cockpits "from yesterday"
> - Some good 3D effects (sunset...)
> - Bad flight characteristics (sometimes planes react too sensitive,
> sometimes too sluggish), much worse than X-Plane
> - comparatively good frame rates
> - Weather + Scenery disappointing
> To be fair, they refer to the project as being free, open-source, multi
> platform and sketch the way development is done.
> Their summary: FlightGear is for a minority of technically advanced simmers
> who are prepared to go into programming only, but not for the normal simmer.

I think this is a fair characterization of FlightGear relative to the
commercial PC flight sim offerings.  We all know the shortcomings of the
current state of FG, and we're working to remove them -- all of the
points listed above are being worked on.

The main difference between FG and most other flight sims is that we're
cross-platform, which takes a fair amount of work that these commercial
outfits don't have to deal with.  I hope the review made note of that.

But anyway, no press is bad press, IMO.  Maybe some people will read the
review and want to help out -- I'm pretty sure the commercial flight
sims can't say that.  ;-)
Cameron Moore
/ Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the \
\  same time. I think I've forgotten this before. /

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