Christian Stock writes:

 > Let me introduce myself, before I start with what I'm interested at.

Welcome.  If you'd like a quick rundown of how we generate scenery
currently, take a peek at this tutorial:

(The URL is temporary, until Curt adds the page to the TerraGear
site.)  As you can see, we do all of our scenery generation in batch
mode right now, with the advantage that we have semi-detailed,
world-wide coverage and the disadvantage that local details are often
less than perfect.

Frederic Bouvier is working on an interactive scenery-modification
tool; it works, but it's still in early stages and can perform only a
few tasks (including placing static objects):

We have fairly strict limits on polygons per tile right now, until we
get around to implementing LOD; that means that anything finer than
100m-resolution (1:250,000) DEMs probably won't build.  We're still
talking about LOD for terrain, but would love to have someone who
actually does something rather than just talking about it.  Let me
know about any help you might need.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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