On Tuesday, June 18, 2002, at 02:38  am, David Megginson wrote:
> The node argument is as follows:
> 1. If the value of an existing property node has been modified, it is
>    the node itself.
> 2. If a property has been added or removed, it is the property's
>    parent.

Hmm, how is the listener meant to work this out? Seems like you'd be 
better with a bigger interface (change / add_child / rmv_child) and 
default { } impls so people can ignore changes the don't care about. For 
the add / remove cases, you'd like to know the parent node and the child 
node, I guess.

> To add a listener to a node (there's not yet any remove
> functionality), you simply use the SGPropertyNode::addChangeListener
> method:
>   node->addChangeListener(this);
> The property manager automatically fires change events for non-tied
> properties; for properties with tied values, the subsystem to which
> the properties are tied must trigger change events manually with
>   node->fireChangeEvent();
> (or not, as desired).

This seems like an opportunity for bugs, though I can't think of a 
better solution either. Certainly this point needs to be emphasized, 
otherwise there will be a situation where someone moves some code from 
using non-tied to tied props (for whatever reason) and the behavior of 
every system that depends on those properties subtly changes. This is a 
worst case scenario, naturally ...

Just though of an extreme solution to this. In a debug build, the props 
code could run a check each frame against the previous and current 
values of every tied, event-listened prop (i.e not that many). If it 
sees a value change without the event change being fired, it could log a 
warning / error.

That's a lot of effort, though.

> This addition adds no measurable overhead (just a null pointer check)
> when listeners are not enabled; when they are enabled, the overhead
> will depend on the listeners.

Hmm, does this mean we're limited to one listener per node?


Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random digits is, 
of course, in a state of sin. --  John Von Neumann, 1951

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