Norman Vine wrote:
> -lopengl is there in the link line
> *but* it is in the wrong place
> i.e Win32 linkage is quite different then Unix linkage and the order
> of the libraries *is* important ie sybols must be resolved *after* they
> are used.

Actually, Unix-style compilers are sensitive to link order issues too.
The only thing that makes it seems simpler under Linux is that shared
libraries (unlike DLL's) can export their dependency information to
the linker and automatically pull in the needed libraries in the
proper order.  For example, many OpenGL test programs link correctly
if you simply specify -lglut on the command line.  All the other
libraries (GLU/GL/Xext/X11/m, off the top of my head) will get pulled
in automagically.

Something tells me that recent versions of GCC had some new features
in this area, but I can't remember what they were.  Maybe the link
order isn't a problem any more?

I was playing with this last week while writing an automatic
dependency build tool for C/C++ projects.  <plug mode="shameless">
It's actually working pretty well, if anyone wants to see it.  You
just drop code into a local ./src directory and it all gets compiled
magically into program files that have a "prog-" prefix.  Saves a lot
of annoying Makefile/autoconf drudgery; I got a little spoiled these
past four years doing Java stuff at NextBus.</plug>


Andrew J. Ross        Beyond the Ordinary        Plausibility Productions
Sole Proprietor       Beneath the Infinite       Hillsboro, OR
                  Experience... the Plausible?

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