
I must admid it, you have made my day.


    Very few MSFS AC have 'realistic' flight models. ;)   Though AVSIM
reviewers and a bunch of desktop pilots often think they are.

    FS2K+ can't use realistic values of Cm_q and Cn_r at Mach 0.7/30,000
ft or higher  I've had to increase those two by 50% or more to get
enough pitch and yaw stability so the crappy 'autopilot' in FS2K2 won't
make an AC porpoise or even lose ALT control.

    In the jets,  MS defaults and 99% of FS 2'nd party  AC are set with
dampings  4 to 20X realistic values.   Assuming Cm_q = -20 is
ealistic.  -5.0 is more likely for the Fighters mentioned above.

    Further, I found a 30 lb AC isn't stable in FS2K2 with nominal SD's.
Nor did scaling it to 80 lbs help.

    Lighter FS2K2 AC may jitter on the runway unless Roll MoI is
increased above the real value.


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