Hi Guys
I guess this leads to an interesting dilemma of were FG goes.
If you want scenery items and AI aircraft flying all over the place even with the latest equipment you are going to have a slide show.
So do we continue to develop and hence force people to upgrade to keep up or do you spilt the system into a low intensity version with very little scenery and no AI and minimal A/C systems.And a high intensity version with all the bells and whisles.
If you want to see what happens if you have a lot of AI aircraft have a look at FS2K2.Just flying around I get about 25fps but if I goto an airport with lots of AI A/C parked(many textures)I am lucky to get 7fps yet in FG I can get 60+fps no problem.
So the choice will have to be made(if it hasn't already).Load the system up with all kinds of goodies and force people on lower end systems out or some compromise.

P.S I run a 850mg duron with a GFMx 420 graphics card and 256mg ram(not exactly state of the art).


Martin Spott

Christian Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At those cheap prices I can expect the people to upgrade when there's a
> need for it. [...]

I already noticed that there's a new culture on this planet that implies
continuosly upgrading of everything that is upgradable. But I think it's not
a good habit to force people to addict to this culture - especially not for
an OpenSource project,

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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