WillyB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I found that out from the blender chatroom actually :)
> I have not tried cropping the images though, but I do copy each view into 
> seperate images... 
> I use gimp and just move it around and then see what it looks like, then move 
> it a little more.... You can see the black edges around the sides.
> Here's what it looks like at the moment, I still need to adjust the front view 
> a little as it is not lined up correctly yet. I'll have to do that before I 
> go any further now.
> You can probably spot some other things I've started to do wrong.
> The 3 view is not quite architect quality either :)
> The going is slow, but I'm still plugging along.

I've finally figured out that it really pays to fuss with those 3-Views a lot.
 Make sure they are cropped and scaled right.  Fix angular problems.  Using
gimp, ad reference points to make lining things up easier.  Make use of the
layers feature in gimp for checking sizes and alignment.  Fill in or enhance
missing or faded lines.  It really made a difference and saved a lot of time
doing the p-51d.



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