Matt Fienberg writes:

 > Thanks for the explanation, David.  From everything I've heard so
 > far about IFR flying, it's a game of "Simon Says."  And Simon's on
 > various frequencies that you need to keep up with.

It's actually fairly easy when you're being vectored -- ATC says "turn
left to 160" and you turn left to 160; ATC says "not below 2000 feet"
and you descend to 2000; etc.

The hard part is when they put you on your own: "cleared to the
Gatineau airport for an approach", "cleared to the full procedure NDB
07 Ottawa", and so on -- now you have to figure out your own
transitions, entry patterns, altitude restrictions, and so on, all the
while not forgetting to keep the dirty side of the plane facing down.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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