David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> And that's not just because it's old -- the Netscape people were very
> cavalier about W3C and IETF specs even at the time.  I think that they
> were hoping to keep up a barrier to entry for MSIE by remaining
> slightly incompatible (when they still had 70% of the market and
> everyone had to design pages to work in their browser) -- Microsoft
> should take note and see how well that strategy worked for their
> competition before the next time they try it themselves.

And note that the reverse strategy might be working for Netscape/Mozilla
project now.  I mean, why download another browser if the one that came with
your system  is perfectly fine?  Well there's at least one reason... Currently
I'm designing a fairly involved intranet application and basically have made
the decision to design to standards and use the Mozilla browser as a favored
client rather than working around the IE6 shortcomings.  For internet it is
still the same old lowest common denominator approach,  but "in house" is a
different story.



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