On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, David Megginson wrote:

> instrument rating a bit, especially since I'd get to do it in a
> genuine DHC-1 Chipmunk (used as a trainer for Spitfire pilots right
> after WW II):
>   http://www.entrix.co.uk/pionair/chiprri.html
> The DHC-1 Chipmunk was the first of the famous DeHavilland Canada
> flying mammals designed and built in Toronto (before Montreal-based
> Bombardier bought out DeHavilland Canada).  It was followed by the

Yay! Now you're talking about a proper aircraft :-)

There'll be an awful lot of people whose into to light aircraft was thanks
to the Air Training Corps, in a Chippy. I've spent about 30 hours in them
and thoroughly enjoyed every minute.

Jon Stockill

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