Lee Elliott writes

Personally, I'm not much interested in doing panels and instruments so I'd be
happy to use the generic instruments from fgfsbase, where they exist, but
there needs to be a clearly defined list of what those instruments will be
once all the a/c, apart from the default C-172, are removed from fgfsbase.

This could lead to some discussion as to what should be in the base.Or just have the instruments for the c172 and thats all.Then every other instrument that is created could be put in a file and evey panel in another.Then people creating panels could use instruments from the base or instrument folder and the people doing 3D models could just use a panel from the panel folder.

While it's certainly possible to save space by referencing instruments from
another a/c to save space - for example, I could put a complete set of
instruments in the yf23 dir and then reference them from the b52, Sea Hawk
etc, it's an inherently fragile solution.  As soon as a user removes the
yf23, or someone does a proper panel and instruments for it and removes the
current ones you end up with the b52, Sea Hawk etc being broken.  For this
reason a degree of duplication will be inevitable untill every a/c has
specific panels and instruments.

This is where a readme file in each addon A/C folder telling the user how to load the A/C into FG would be handy.It can't be to difficult the MS mob are doing it all the time.

>I think an important part of splitting the a/c out of fgfsbase will be a FG
a/c installer that can also handle updates and roll-backs and be used by
people who aren't into the 'computer' side of it all. Ideally, everything to
do with a specific a/c should be compartmentised so it can sit in it's own
dir - this would make the installation, update, removal and roll-back of a/c
even easier. If however, we keep the current scheme where the 'set' file
_has_ to exist in Aircraft and the YASim fdm _has_ to exist in
Aircraft-yasim, an installer would ensure that stuff goes in the right place.

I would think that you would only need an installer for the realy lazy,anyone who has done a few installs would get the hang of it pretty quickly.



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