Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> FWIW, I'd argue that exactly 45° is a very bad choice, since octagonal
> objects are going to be reasonably common in practice.  Setting the
> smooth angle at exactly their corner angle means that any amount of
> modelling slop or round-off errors in such an object would cause some
> of the edges to be rounded and others not.  I picked 46° hoping that
> this was enough to avoid such an effect.
> I think I originally had it at 52°, essentially playing the same game
> with 7-gons.  But some of the planes looked a little too sharp, so I
> tuned it down some.

I'd think that going from 46 to 52 would have the opposite effect, make the
planes smoother.  I might even go with 60 (6 sider).  

If the goal is to be 8 then even more slop than that might be good, just
_under_ the next level like 50 or 51 (in other words put the margin for error
just below the 7-gon rather than just above the 8-gon).
> Obviously there's no single value that will work for everything; I'd
> be happy to hear other opinions on good defaults.

Guess my vote would be 60 (or 59).


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