Here is a quick and dirty 1st cut at a wire protocol definition, and some
requirements for the message handling classes that will implement the
Preliminary FlightGear Server (FGS) wire protocol specification

0xFF    Escape prefix for 0xF? bytes in the data
        next byte is inverted, except for data type prefixes
0xFE    Begin message, 8 bit message ID
0xFD    Begin Message, 16 bit message ID

Code    Type                            C/C++ equivalent
0xF0    byte                            unsigned char
0xF1    word                            unsigned int
0xF2    dword                           unsigned long
0xF3    qword                           unsigned long long
0xF4    signed byte                     char
0xF5    signed word                     int
0xF6    signed dword                    long
0xF7    signed qword                    long long
0xF8    32bit float                     float
0xF9    64bit double                    double
0xFA    undefined
0xFB    undefined
0xFC    string, next byte is length     char*
        unterminated binary data

Unless there are objections, byte order is little endian, and floats are intel FPU 
standard (ok -- i'm making it easy on the PCs that will likely be used to run display 
clients :)

Messages are constructed by sending a Begin Message byte, followed by the message ID, 
and then each data element.. clients/servers that dont understand a given message 
should be able to skip past to the next start of message marker.

the FGSMessage base class will define an array of type/pointer that identifies the 
type, and location to store each element of a message. Derived classes will load this 
array with the correct associations for the specific message being sent or recieved. 
Recieved messages must have the same types in the same order or the message is 
rejected as invalid. All platform specific data conversion will happen in the 
FGSMessage base class during packing/unpacking of the message.

Message objects derived from the FGSMessage base class will register with base class 
using static methods to establish a factory style instantiation mechanism such that an 
inbound message can be passed to a static method of FGSMessage, and the return value 
will be a pointer to an object of the correct message type.

FGSMessage::recieve will be equally able to handle UDP packets with multiple messages, 
or TCP packets with partial messages, buffering message fragments until the next time 
the recieve method is called.
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