OK, while I'm an avowed lurker, I find that this thread has even more possibilities

While I certainly want realistic flight performance of A/C to be the priority (I hope to learn to fly a real plane someday -- probably in my next life 8-( -- and I'd love it if my FG experience could translate to the real world), there ARE non-violent (or at least non-aggressive) reasons for having weapons in FG

a) How about an asteroids or missile command-type simulation? These were great games, it would be interesting to tie them into a great simulation like fg.

You're defending the Earth, KSFO, whatever from asteriods, missiles, what have you. Maybe even dive bombing pink flamingos, perhaps... (You're the groundskeeper and hate the cleanup after the flamingos leave... No flamingos are actually hurt of course! 8-))

Also for those with frame-rate problems, maybe a Game graphics mode that models everything in the sim fast but not necessarilly prettily.

b) How about a game of tag (catch me if you can) with aircraft? (Maybe chasing a small remote control thing or a UFO) (could be weapons or without -- what about paintball or something?)

c) Maybe we could create mythological 'aircraft' -- griffons, dragons, etc. and fly them or go after them

Or weaponless:

Or something like orienteering (follow the path) or even a scavenger hunt (find all the things on this list by flying over it), where there could be a moderator/designer setting things up, possibly real-time

If missiles are out, perhaps we can shoot arrows.

I don't mean to belittle anyone's beliefs, I'm pro-peace (realistically speaking, who could be pro-war, Genghis Khan?), and think the concept of spending billions on weaponry when children are starving all over the world and dying daily due to lack of imunizations for preventable diseases poor judgment to say the least... Don't even get me started on the atomic/nuclear weapons thing...

OK off my soap box.

Great sim, hope to help with developing it someday.

I love it if we had some name or information in the scenery that could be popped up over, say, a building/landmark when it is visible in the distance. Crater Lake, Berlin wall, Sears tower, RFK stadium, etc. Some of us aren't used to looking at the world from above ground level. There's an MS flightsim add-on that does this, I don't recall the name, landmark, maybe?

I'll go back to lurking now


An earlier thread mentioned some other things including a Reno race course
based game. That would be very interesting.

I tend to be in the non-weapons camp. There may be some (not myself) who find
it offensive to even have source code included that discusses in weapon terms,
so it might be wise to bring up an RFC thread on that when the time comes.

It seems to me that generic the FDM and AI functions that have been discussed
here could serve as an underlying layer for the type of things that both John
and Lee mentioned. Perhaps these specific applications like a Reno race game,
search and rescue, and combat features could be handled as seperate pluginable
projects that run on top of a multi user simulation layer that has all the
capabilities including Jon Berndt's child FDM concept.

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