matt wrote:
> Is there a way to have specular effects on the models in FG?  Using
> Blender or AC3D? I suppose there is some Plib issue but I thought
> I'd ask...

It depends on what you mean.  Plib support a specular exponent (Phong
model) in the lighting computations just fine.  This gets you
"highlights" on the objects like you would expect for shiny materials.
You can play with this by varying the "spec" specular color and
"shi"[niness?] values in the AC3D header.

But if you want to see a reflected image on the object, that requires
environment mapping.  There's no built-in support for this in plib,
since doing it in a non-demo way requires multitexture.  I don't think
there's support for it in the AC3D file format either, but I might be
wrong about that.


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