Erik Hofman wrote:
> Even for (say) a dozen of simultaneously active dynamic models?  I'm
> not sure, but it would be a good thing to look into.

Even for hundreds.  The overhead for a property tie is pretty close to
zero.  You pay the cost only when the property is accessed -- to your
internal C++ code, it's still just a variable.  The only way to get
into performance difficulties is if you are setting the values
repeatedly (every frame, for instance) from a script.  Nasal isn't
terribly slow, but spinning in an interpreter like that is just a bad
idea. :)

There's a similar issue with the current bo105.nas script -- it hooks
a timer at 20Hz to do a rear door animation.  For just one of these,
it's obviously not a problem.  For dozens or hundreds of animated
objects, this is likely to be suboptimal.

For situations like this, I'm working on (actually almost done -- just
need to find time to test) a "SGInterpolator" subsystem which can be
used from either Nasal or C++.  The idea is that you pass it a
property node, and a list of "target value"/"delta time" pairs.  It
then smoothly interpolates the property value each frame, with no
input needed from user code.

This is basically as efficient (one 10-line function call per frame
per interpolant) as you can get without ditching the property system
entirely.  And it enables a lot of stuff that used to be difficult: I
know Lee has hooked the YASim gear up/down property to drive
animations, but this is limited.  Having an interpolator that you can
drive from a script means that you can do stuff like variable-speed
gear retraction (one wheel first, etc...), light pulsing (off for a
long time, interpolate to bright over .25sec, then off again...),
etc...  All of it with no dependency on frame rate. :)


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