----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 8:28 PM
Subject: Properties Tree and TSR2

Can somebody help here?
I am trying to see the properties tree using telnet to localhost 5500.  I don't see anything in the (telnet or fg) console window. Where is the output displayed? 
The fgfsrc default browser seems to be Netscape but I am using KExplorer - how to change the file entry if required?
I want to work on putting real dials in the TSR2 instead of the digital readouts - am I re-inventing the wheel?
Finally, using the rate of climb setting in the autopilot slams the elevators right back and they will not reset.  Also, the heading setting doesn't work. Is this a Nasal problem (guess).
Tks, R
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