see below

> Nor do I. But what does it take to be considered a plib developer?
> Being officially acknowledged? Fixing bugs and submitting patches?
> In the last few weeks only outsiders improved plib, while official
> developers mostly played dead.   :-P
That's what happens when you don't pay... and when you pay sometimes.

> Yes. But diff isn't the only useful cvs command for us script kiddies.
> I'm regularly using log, ann, and things like cvs up -D'1 week ago',
> cvs diff -r1.23 -r1.24 etc. And this is quite hard to do without cvs
> access. No, I don't claim that I do it daily, not even once every
> month. But once in a while.
I don't use many cvs commands, but one I use a fair bit is log.  However
I've never figured out how to make it only display the last e.g. 5 log
entries or from a certain date... if it doesn't do it it should...

<sulk>...going to read docs. </sulk>


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