I've respun my FGBenchmark package with binaries built from the 0.9.4



This is a subset of the FlightGear Open Source flight simulator,
packaged together with the purpose to serve as a specific benchmarking
tool among different Unix platforms. The idea arose after realizing,
that real world performance numbers for FlightGear on Unix
workstations, especially for SGI and Sun machines, are rare because
most potential users apparently don't like to share their experiences.
The package would also serve as a FlightGear 'Getting Started' kit,
it consists of binaries for a few platforms and a base package with
high resolution textures and some aircraft removed.

I hope this package eases the collection of useful numbers. It is
_always_ in development, so please include the package version into
your feedback. The current 'release' (0.0.3) is based on FlightGear
release 0.9.4 and should run on IRIX/MIPS, Solaris/Sparc and Linux/x86.
The package includes the shared IRIX library from the freeware
libz package and the shared libraries from the Sunfreeware GCC-3.3.2
runtime package.

Please notice data/COPYING, run the 'benchmark' bin/FGBenchmark and
return framerate numbers (lower right corner in the simulator window)
to the person tho gave you notice of this package.

To have a free flight you're invited to double click the right mouse
button (you now should see crosshairs instead of your mouse pointer,
this gets you mouse control over the aircraft), release the parking
brake with Shift-b and control engine power wit PgUp/PgDown.

Happy flying,
 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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