Durk Talsma wrote:
> It looks like the crash is somewhere inside the AIMgr (judging from stackdump
> item #15), but since I'm still incredably unfamiliar with this part of the
> code, this might just be a wild guess.
> Anyways, I hope that this is useful debug information. Can others
> confirm this?

The 0xdeadbeef assertion failure in ssg is almost certainly memory
corruption.  Other typical symptoms are heap corruption, which is what
seems to be happening here (the crash happens under operator
new).  There's no particular reason to suspect the AIMgr in
particular, it was just unlucky enough to be the first to traverse the
broken ssg node.

This kind of bug is really hard to track down.  Valgrind helps, but it
would take *days* to get to where you are seeing the crash.
Basically, you end up having to search the configuration space:

+ What was the last version that worked?
+ Does turning off threads fix the problem?
+ [Ditto for any other configuration choices you have made]
+ How about changing plib versions?

Some things can be ruled out already: since this is a YASim aircraft,
JSBSim is off the hook.  Likewise, the 747 has no 2D panel, etc...


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