On Donnerstag 30 September 2004 22:33, Jon S Berndt wrote:
> I ask because it is becoming clear to me that, as I compose the new
> parsing logic for JSBSim config files - as well as the new config file
> format itself - I may need to provide error checking / validation
> functions as the data is read in. There are just too many
> opportunities to mess up the config file. Ideally, this kind of thing
> would be done by a config file editor, but since there is no config
> file editor on the horizon, validation of a config file against a DTD
> becomes quite attractive. IMHO, it simplifies parsing logic in the end
> application (in this case, JSBSim).
.. yeah!
This is definitly a good idea!

> Now, this raises another question: do general purpose (or
> configurable) XML application editors (open source or free, preferred)
> exist that could be used to author a JSBSim config file?
There are. I believe that emacs' xml mode is able to validate.
There must be other too ...



Mathias Fröhlich, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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