On Donnerstag 21 Oktober 2004 09:11, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> Yesterday I put together some code which outputs the Lat/Lon/Alt of the
> hook tip when extended. Norman Vine kindly pointed me at the SG conversion
> function, so I now have output in X,Y,Z. I'm using great chunks of submodel
> code, much of which is redundant in this context, so I need to tighten this
> up. However, I've added the function to the Seafire as a demonstrator.
> I still have to adjust the hook tip for compression when it's in contact
> with the ground. I'll have a first cut of all this code ready after the
> weekend, I hope.
You, do YASim for the hunter?

For the *first* *proof* *of* *concept*, you can also let the hook hang below 
That is what I actually try to do at the moment with JSBSim.
I want to have something where I can test if I can see the wires I have now 
injected in my scene.
The Aircraft I use for that is a private one with a 4-th gear at its tail. 
This 4th gear has a tiny spring constant and a well defined name. A gear 
named 'HOOK' interacts with a line called 'Wire'.
This is the preliminary test to find all that stuff ;)

I hope to send you a version of that stuff today evening ...



Mathias Fröhlich, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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