Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
> I think it will be more flexible if the networking portion of
> FlightGear can be modified to exchange properties.  For
> starter, the nodes /accelerations, /positions, and
> /surface-positions can be exchanged among users.  Properties
> under /accelerations can allow one client to interpolate the
> position of others, thus eliminating jitters.

I got started on something like this a few months back.  Maybe I
should work harder on it now that there is clearly demand for
such a thing.  It sent the position/orientation and 1st and 2nd
derivatives as part of the position packet, and not as

Note that this isn't enough: another really important feature is
proper time synchronization between the clients (not wall clock
time, necessarily, but time of data validity).  Otherwise network
latency will cause "skew", where different clients see different
aircraft in different positions.  This makes things like
formation flight and dogfighting difficult.

The other feature that sounded cool was automatically detecting
the needed properties for animation from the aircraft model file
during parsing.  It requires some way of limiting the number
of "panel" properties that are sent (I was thinking about doing
it via the size of the animated object's bounding box), but
should be pretty robust in practice.


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