Andy Ross wrote:

Martin Spott wrote:
I suspect the network stuff is coupled to the same loop as is the
screen display. Just a guess, though ....

It is.  Everything except for terrain tile I/O is driven out of the
main loop.  Probably something that should be fixed...

Note that we're going to have to start thinking about threading
designs soon anyway, if we want to take advantage of all the fancy
multi-core/multi-thread CPUs coming down the pipe.  Rendering
obviously has to stay within a single thread, but how much
non-rendering work can we push out to worker threads?  Ideally,
everything would be "handed" to the renderer thread each frame, with
all the matrices pre-cooked and ready for OpenGL calls.

I would like to make a case for non-threading from the standpoint of simplicity. We have had (and probably still have) some extremely subtle and extremely difficult to track bugs in our threaded tile loader.

We've been forced to use threading for our tile loader simply because of performance reasons. We can't afford a big stutter in our animation when ever we need to load new tiles.

When a single person is writing a smaller threaded app, things can work out quite well because one person (who understands all the underlying issues) can think through the code very carefully and ensure that all possible timing, locking, and communication related events are handled robustly.

But now project that onto a project like FlightGear. Even if one highly skilled person set us up with lots of threading that worked perfectly, given all the contributions from a variety of sources (many of which I know have no clue about threading issues) how long do you think it will be before everything is hopelessly fouled up? Some simple "naive" change to fix some bug or add a new feature could inadvertantly introduce a subtle threading bug that only happens very rarely, but is still unacceptable.

Personally, I think that the idea of threading in the context of FlightGear is a *very* scary idea, especially from the standpoint of long term maintanence and keeping our code robust. I'd perhaps favor splitting our code out into separate applications that use networking or shared memory or pipes to communicate. You lose some of the context switching efficiency of threads, but I think the code becomes more robust and maintanable because changes have less of a chance to propagate elsewhere to unintended areas ...

Just my 2 cents ... :-)


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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