On Sunday 30 October 2005 06:50 am, Melchior FRANZ wrote:
> * Dave Culp -- Sunday 30 October 2005 13:29:
> > Can we change the names of the documents so there is only one "dot" per
> > name? For example "README.xmlpanel.html"  should be
> > "README-xmlpanel.html"  or something like that.  The file association
> > settings in KDE get confused by multiple dots.
> No, they aren't. KDE doesn't even look at the name. It looks at the
> contents via "file"-derivative. (See $KDEDIR/share/mimelnk/magic) I have
> never had problems with multiple dots in file names. I'd rather guess that
> your setup has problems.

Ah, then I just have to find the correct mime type settings.  The hunt is on.


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