>   Melchior FRANZ writes
> >It is beyond me why nobody seems to understand the purpose of the UFO.
> >It was never meant to be a serious aircraft. It is the scenery
> >exploration tool. It doesn't need to have a cockpit or a "realistic"
> >FDM. It uses up 76 kB uncompressed, and 10.8 kB compressed! Even
> >the NEWS file is 23 kB big -- compressed!

I agree with all of that ... and it should continue in that role.

> I agree with Melchior on this.I found it very usefull when I was playing
> around with the AI for Durk awhile back.

That too.  Maybe a change of name (from UFO) may reduce confusion?

Now, should someone try to create an interior looking like a classic
UFO (with a funky control panel, LGM passengers, a radio panel that
works but looks like it was built from alien lab equipment by alien
scientists in order to communicate with human ATC services, etc etc)
then I personally would love to see that included in the FGFS model.
But ... maybe as an external download ... because it'll be fairly big.

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