Torsten Dreyer schrieb:

Hi everybody!

Last tuesday, the A380 serial number 2 (F-WXXL) came to the airbus site in Hamburg to get a new painting and the interior. They will also do the

An aerial foto of EDHI is here

but it is a few years old. In the meantime, the bay located in the center of

I took some fotos of the A380 landing on tuesday and put them here

I also put 2 movies there for those with a fast internet-link, they are 37MB and 60MB.

Hope you like this little story and the pics.

Cheers, Torsten

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Hi Torsten,
thank you for sharing this with us, very interesting!
*Bremen* is very proud that the A380 made a low approach at the local airport to greet the employees of the local airbus facility where they constructed the A380 flaps (size of a little airliner wing!) and other wing-add-on stuff. I could only see some pictures in the local newspapers as I was very engaged in day-work and could not look out though the airport ist pretty nearby and I'll always have a look at the traffic when it is possible :-)

Last November (2004) I shot some pics when we passed EDHI. The new terrain has already been built and most of the buildings, as I assume.
I put 3 pics on my homepage, if you are interested how it looked from air:

Georg (EDDW)

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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