On 11/14/05, Ima Sudonim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Please do commit them, I've had hand-rolled projects for all three
> > for some time, but they're out of sync. If I find any issues, I'll
> > let you know.
> Is it worth creating a developer directory under FlightGear CVS to
> contain things like these xcode project files and developer
> instructions for cygwin here <http://www.opensubscriber.com/message/
> flightgear-users@flightgear.org/2485584.html> mentioned on the
> flightgear-user list or Norm's cygwin openal work (or at least a link
> to the current versions)?
> Maybe developer could have os-specific directories like macosx,
> cygwin, etc or just put everything in developer directory.
> These aren't utils and probably don't belong in the utils
> directory... but this would keep them in a standard place accessible
> to everyone from the source tree. It seems like we see similar
> problems that people are maintaining by themselves (projects (build
> files) for xcode and for MS visual C/C++ come to mind)
> thanks!
> Ima

This would require someone to maintain the project files. I plan on
leaving the FlightGear project soon after the 0.9.9 release so
wouldn't be able to. It just drains too much time. It was a good
experience though with making the mac version more user friendly.

I'll still commit the Xcode projects to macflightgear CVS later today
and then we'll see what happens.
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