Szabolcs Berecz schrieb:


I'm thinking about my thesis which I have to write next semester. I'm
interested in FlightGear, but haven't got the time to dig into it,
yet, so I don't know what needs to be done. Is there something which
should be done, but you don't have the time for it?

Maybe I would be willing to do it, but it shouldn't be too big,
because I have to write most of it in a couple of months. It shouldn't
be too easy, either. Do I want too much? :)

Oh, and usually I'm not too interested in user interfaces and
graphics, but I don't say there is no chance to work on something like

I will have time to go into details and start working on something the
next week. I would appreciate if you could suggest something.


Flightgear-devel mailing list

Hi Szabi,
I am only a user and not a developer (and can't therefore of no big help for you when you realize your project) but I want to make a suggestion:

At the moment it is not very comfortable to place an object into the FlightGear world. First you have to calculate the tile-number via a separate Perl script (Lat/Lon -> tilenumber), then you have to get the right elevation of that place, then you have to think about the angle you want to place the object into the world, then you have to create the *.stg file and write the things into it (or add them). All without any visual control and without the possibility to place a complete "set" of normally single objects into the scenery at one time. I am inspired by the FLY! object editor and as this always has been created for another (old) flightsim it might collide with what you have to do for your students work, but anyway I want to describe how it works in FLY:

You fire the sim, fly/go to the place where you want to put your object/set of objects, press a key-combination. Then you see the scenery from above (bird-view) with a cross-marker (it aims to the point where the object is placed if you want to do so). You can go nearer of farer, to all directions (and even angles) to view the scenery. Then you select an object from a menue (grafical view) and place it into the scenery. You can now move it to the place you want to have it, select the height if other than ground (ie an object you want to place into the air or onto an already existing object), then you may safe your work. (In FLY! it is even more comfortable as you can select *every* object already placed in the scenery, move, scale and put it together, but I think this might a little bit too complicated for a several months work :-) ) When the object is safed, your code should make all calculations, changes or creations of new files - and if it is possible, make an initialisation of the scenery if you go out of the editing mode into normal flight mode, so that the new object is placed in the virtual world and can be seen. An add-on could be a little program outside of FlightGear where you can place several single objects into a fixed "set" which can be placed into the scenery by your new "object-edit-code" as described above. (This might be a collection of houses, trees, cars, etc to build some sort of a small generic village, or all other sort of small sceneries (small harbour, power plant, etc) which you want to place more than once into FlightGear.

Ok, this was just my thought what could be done by you if interested.

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