Joacim Persson schrieb:

On Sun, 27 Nov 2005, Mathias Fröhlich wrote:

Both work for me.
What scenery do you use?
Is this the 0.9.9 I am currently downloading? :)
... I still use the 0.9.8 normally.

Don't know about Melchior, but I'm using terrasync -- whichever version it's
feeding me with, I simply don't know. Ask Curt. =)
(just did a fresh reload of the tile in question too check if terrasync
is syncing properly -- same result. Now getting a steaming fresh 0.9.9
tile for comparison.)

I didn't even know the 0.9.9 scenery was released already. The links on the
download page still points at 0.9.8.

If we have the same source code version, and the same scenery version, the
difference could lie in how our respective computer memory has been used
lately, i.e. smells like a case of unitialised memory use (or prematurely
freed mem). ...which a mem debugger ought to catch. (last time I had a go
with valgrind and efence on fgfs, I ran out on swap. :P Have added some
more swap since then.  The good news is that this bug is suitable for
hunting down in a batch run with a mem debugger -- doesn't need any user


I was curious about this problem and did some tests:

Only *one* scenery-folder in [FGCVS]\data\..
3 FG installs
FG 0.9.8 windows binary
FG 0.9.9 windows binary
FG 0.9.x cygwin CVS (only 2 days old)

Parameters (set via FGTools V1.3.4), example for FG 0.9.9 windows binary:
--fg-scenery=C:\cygwin\fg-cvs\data\scenery --fg-root=H:\FlightGear99\data --enable-fullscreen --bpp=24 --prop:sim/current-gui=1

1. FG 0.9.8 windows binary works without problems
2. FG 0.9.9 windows binary and FG 0.9.x cygwin CVS either freezes in a black hole or crashes

This might be an OpenAL problem as I could copy these outputs from a) 0.9.9 binaries b) Cygwin CVS

Georg EDDW
a) Windows 0.9.9 binaries

latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 18.0925
sea level radius = 1.76081e-264
latitude         = 7.60387e-316
longitude        = 1.79954e-307
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch

b) Cygwin CVS:

OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
Failed to open file
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
Failed to open file
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
Failed to open file
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
Failed to open file
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
Initializing Nasal Electrical System
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_volume
altitude         = 1.45429e-231
sea level radius = 1.13021e-317
latitude         = 9.93823e-315
longitude        = 1.13009e-317
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 1.45429e-231
sea level radius = 1.13021e-317
latitude         = 9.93823e-315
longitude        = 1.13009e-317
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 1.45429e-231
sea level radius = 1.13021e-317
latitude         = 9.93823e-315
longitude        = 1.13009e-317
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 1.45429e-231
sea level radius = 1.13021e-317
latitude         = 9.93823e-315
longitude        = 1.13009e-317
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 1.45429e-231
sea level radius = 1.13021e-317
latitude         = 9.93823e-315
longitude        = 1.13009e-317
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 1.45429e-231
sea level radius = 1.13021e-317
latitude         = 9.93823e-315
longitude        = 5.26009e-308
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 1.45429e-231
sea level radius = 1.13021e-317
latitude         = 9.93823e-315
longitude        = 1.13009e-317
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 1.45429e-231
sea level radius = 1.13021e-317
latitude         = 9.93823e-315
longitude        = 1.13009e-317
OpenAL error (AL_INVALID_VALUE): set_pitch
altitude         = 1.45429e-231
sea level radius = 1.13021e-317
latitude         = 9.93823e-315
longitude        = 1.13009e-317

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