during scenery development I experienced that either the [F2] command (development keys: F2 ... force tile cache reload) nor the "Reset" command does a reload of the *.stg files (Terrain and/or Object folder) of your actual position :-(

I did several tests with the newest FG CVS and FG 0.9.9 but only a complete newstart of FG (or going away a real *long* distance with the UFO and returning ) reloads the position related *.stg file(s).

Could it be made that the "...force tile cache reload" command also re-reads/reloads the used *.stg files (Object and Terrain folder)?

This is *very* important for scenery development (placing objects into the scenery) as you could change the local *.stg file (ie. add an object) while FlightGear is running, press the [F2] key and see how/where it is placed into the scenery. As we haven't got any other visual tools for scenery object placing this is the only method - as I know - without wasting a lot of time due to several restarts of FG. Adding this to the "reset" command would alternativly also be a help but as reset changes your position, views, etc it is second choice.

Georg EDDW

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