Jean-Yves Lefort wrote:

As far as I know, rotation speed with no flaps and a service payload
is about 105/110 kts. I could lift it at that speed some weeks ago,
but some changes in the yasim code and/or in the b1900d.xml file
caused a regression.

Looking back through CVS, I think the big change was that the fuel load got doubled. If you cut the fuel down to about 2000 lbs total I think the aircraft will return.

I made a small change to the config file so the aircraft lift/drag solution is computed at 80% fuel capacity rather than 20% fuel capacity ... this makes a huge difference in bringing the numbers back closer to what I'd expect. This is a WAG though ... we need to find a POH and start double checking stall speed and climb performance numbers to make sure we are in the right ball park here. I hate to guess too much.


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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