On Monday 06 February 2006 23:14, alexis bory wrote:
> Martin Spott a écrit :
> > alexis bory wrote:
> >> Before going farther I'd like to know if any body else
> >> allready do the same work.
> >
> > Lee Elliott did the A-10, you'd probably ask him to
> > coordinate the effort. I'd love to see a nice copckpit for
> > the A-10 because I find it's much fun to fly that aircraft,
> >
> > Martin.
> I just can't wait to show a screenshot:
> http://croo.murgl.org/img/very-begining.jpg
> It's the very begining of the work, I hope it will be usable
> by most people.
> Did anybody asked about a way to keep the hud's marks inside
> the hud screen ?
> btw look at this nice peacefull A-10 :)
> http://www.firehogs.com/photos/photos.shtml
> Alexis

Looks great - I'd love it if you want to do a cockpit for the 

It still seemed to fly quite well without any changes after 
trying it with the wing incidence fix, so in an effort to screw 
it up I've been toying with using the single engine loiter mode 
for the cruise params.  Still seems to fly ok but made it a 
little bit livelier, which seemed about right.

However, if people are flying it and liking it I don't want to 
break it for them, so it would be handy if people could let me 
know if they're using cvs FG or the last official release, which 
I believe doesn't include the wing-incidence fix.


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