On Wednesday 01 March 2006 13:41, Chris Metzler wrote:
> Yes, this is definitely the way to solve this problem.  After all,
> nobody gets truly worked up about dumbass things like vim vs. emacs
> or anything like that!
Two ways from my point of view:

Either you care for an agreement of a common editor for *all* projects *I* am 
working on. That includes flightgear, kde and what I do at work. Not to 
forget the projects I will pick up in the future ...
If you are able to convince all those people to use your favorite editor of 
your choice with your tab size, I will switch over to that single editor for 
all those projects.

Since I do not believe that this is a realistic approach in any sense, I will 
use the editor of my choice which I can use for all those projects I work on. 
And as long as that is the case, I think not using tabs is the way you can 
solve this issues in the real world.



Mathias Fröhlich, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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