
It seems that it's exactly that. I wasn't yet able to verify that, but
it seems that the Great Lakes are not part of the landmass and are thus
zeroed in altitude. I'm not sure why that worked in the previous releases.

I haven't looked at the TerraGear code for a long time, but in the
past, I think, we used to do a union of all the coverage types,
including lakes and islands, and use that as the mask.

That wouldn't match with the behaviour I encountered during the South Germany scenery builds. Only recently I've come across TerraGear making everything which is outside the landmass polygon (material Default) to be Ocean and at level 0.

I once reduced the landmass data from VMAP0 to a bit more manageable size by constraining it to the region we'd be working in for our scenery. As we touched that border we had a tile with extremely steep cliffs falling to the ocean where there should have been no ocean. The location of the cliff matched that of the border of our landmass polygon.

I think I've seen code in the current source calculating the landmass mask as the union of all polygons with Default material, which is then used to clip all other polygons.


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