On Thursday 16 March 2006 16:58, Georg Vollnhals wrote:
> Martin Spott schrieb:
> > Lee Elliott wrote:
> >> On Wednesday 15 March 2006 01:47, Georg Vollnhals wrote:
> >>> 2. although this is *not* your problem as you are doing
> >>> the panel work, I want to report that is was not nice to
> >>> fly the a/c by hand, I then used the autopilot.
> >>> It behaves very sensible on the "nick" axis and "lame" on
> >>> the roll axis.
> >>
> >> I am afraid that the changes to the behaviour of the A-10
> >> and it's autopilot are my fault.  I had to re-appraise the
> >> A-10 YASim config after a bug concerning the wing incidence
> >> in the solver was fixed.
> >
> > Georg's description resemples me of a 'feature' that I know
> > from almost every YASim aicraft that I can remember: They
> > overreact, start oscillating around the pitch axis and get
> > into an unrecoverable stall if you push the elevator a bit
> > too hard. Georg, did you mean this ?
> >
> > Martin.
> Martin,
> it is like somesort of a "spring" is locking the model at its
> place when you move the joystick forwards, only a *small*
> movement is done (because you push against the "spring-force"
> and when you get over a sudden point of joystick movement, the
> "spring" is loosened, a/c nose goes down very heavily and then
> immediately a little upper (and to stay with the spring
> exampele, like a spring drawing it back) - this is only in the
> nick axis (not roll) and with a "nose down" joystick command.
> But as I wrote today, first I thought this to be a new
> behaviour but when I tested the A-10 of 0.9.9 it seems to be
> the same. But strange anyway.
> Regards
> Georg

Ah - it's interesting that you specifically mention the nose-down 
behaviour because I believe some of the developers have been 
looking in to this already and this may be another example of a 
suspected problem.

Incidentally, changing the roll rate shouldn't affect the other 
characteristics so I can increase that quickly and easily if 
that's the general consensus...

If you're trying to use Alexis' A-10 tarball with 0.9.9 FG and 
not cvs you could try changing  the wing incidence to positive 
instead of negative - that should give the same characteristics 
as with using cvs FG.


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