Hello all,

Alexis and I have hit a problem while configuring the cockpit 
view in the A-10.

Alexis has used <pitch-offset-deg>-12</pitch-offset-deg> in the 
view[0]/config to pitch the cockpit view down, which works ok, 
but we've found that if you switch to a chase view and use the 
mouse to pan the view around and then reset the view the same 
-12 deg pitch down gets applied, even if we specify 0 deg pitch 
in the config for those views.

There also seems to be some inconsistencies between the different 
views.  If I bring up the 'adjust view distance' dialogue the 
headings for the three dials seem to be correct in the cockpit 
view i.e. Left/Right adjusts the view left and right but if I 
switch to a chase view the same dial now moves the view up and 


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