Hi all ,
           Can someone help me out here please.

I want to make a nasal script that watches controls/gear/gear-down using a 

When called this is what i would like to happen.

If /systems/electrical/volts > 22 then let the gear go up or down.

If /systems/electrical/volts < 22 then make the gear stay where they are.

I did have a bash at this myself but cant seem to get it to work right.

# Set listners for certain conditions.

gear = func {
power = getprop("/systems/electrical/volts");
status = getprop("controls/gear/gear-down");
if (power > 22 and status == 1) {
 setprop("controls/gear/gear-down", 1);}
elsif (power > 22 and status == 0) {
 setprop("controls/gear/gear-down", 0);}
elsif (power < 22 and status == 0) {
 setprop("controls/gear/gear-down", 1);}
elsif (power < 22 and status == 1) {
 setprop("controls/gear/gear-down", 0);}
} # end function

setlistener("controls/gear/gear-down", gear);

See what i mean ? All messed up ;)

Thanks in advance,
Justin Smithies

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