That's because it's a condition lever, not a mixture lever. I had put
this mapping into one of the b1900d files

  controls.adjMixture = controls.adjCondition;

and added the <help> entry about the m/M keys, but it didn't take long
until the line was removed again, after which I didn't bother any more and
fixed this in my copy alone. I've also sent a shockingly constructive
message about that to the b1900d author.


Hi guys , there have been a lot of suggestions /complaints about my b1900d , 
but Ive mentioned more than once that i am in the process of giving it a major 
overhaul, so no point in replying/fixing right now .Ive integrated the gpws , 
redoing gauges, fixed the stall problem / fixed the autopilot/added the 
flightdirector bars .... etc,etc,etc..
I should be able to send it tonight or tomorrow , and then evereyone can tell 
me if things are still working. oh yeah , Ive disabled the popup gps, for those 
who want it I'll try to add comments to the necessary files for those who want 
it .So be patient , your current b1900d is pretty much obsolete! :)
Cheers, Syd

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