
I have updated my CVS directories this afternoon (Saturday Apr 1 UTC 18:00 approx). After the two of the keys I use often lost their functions.

I use keyboard controls, and particularly the inverse T cursor keys, and the block just above them.

The "Insert/Delete" keys just above "left cursor" key used to be elevator trim. Now "Delete" key does nothing perceptible, whereas the "Insert" key does left rudder, which happens to be the keypad "Ins" key's function.

I checked keyboard.xml hoping to find a quick fix, but these keys do not appear there at all.

So I am puzzled.

I hope someone in the know can tell me what might be the reason. I am badly inconvenienced as a virtual pilot. :-) (BTW, I know that keypad 7/1 can do the same trim function as well, but they are far off from the block I keep my hand on.)


Yavuz Onder

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