Melchior FRANZ schrieb:

The A10 has code to save aircraft data (not activated yet), and my
ac_state.nas[1] script does so for every aircraft! I think that this
functionality should eventually be in fgfs, and we need a place to
store all the files.

  $ ls $FG_HOME/state/|wc -l


[1]  [3.3 kB]

Hi Melchior,
this is a very nice feature and it could be enhanced by saving dialed frequencies, etc. in the future.

Therefore I tried it and after changing the key assignment from 96 ("`", not working here) to 37 ("%") I got the following error

first a small window:
"Saving C172 state"
which disappears automatically after some short time

then a second window

"file /home/Besitzer/.fgfs/state/c172p.xml: cannot open file
at /home/Besitzer/.fgfs/state/c172p.xml"

I am using latest CVS under Cygwin and could not find any *new* file in the home folder (except the "ufo-cursor..file" I had created a session before)

Any ideas what is wrong?
Thank you, this nasal script is a big addition (comfort!) for me :-)

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